As you may have noticed, the energy seems to be dwindling,
not just for my hubby and I but even for the group as a whole. Last week, there
was a lot of enthusiasm towards the whole dare; couples gladly shared their
daily experiences, etc. This week, everyone is silent.
Personally, on Day 8, I realized the devil was really
fighting me tooth and nail this week. The relationship with my hubby, my baby
and my baby’s caregiver has been good, so definitely, the devil didn’t see ways
of disorganizing that. Then he decides to attack me through one of my juniors
at work, a girl that I directly supervise at work. Upto now, I do not
understand what exactly entered this girl. She had the worst kind of emotional
outbursts, and asking me, on top of many other things, if I wanted her to tell
me all her daily programs and movements, including going to the toilet? Yes! As
her supervisor – at the closest level to her, as long as she is on company
time, any movements out of duty or on duty that consume more than 20 minutes of
company time…..I MUST be informed, and that is not negotiable!
Now, where were we? Devil, just so you know,….and let me get
this clear with you: My joy does not come from my Husband, my child, my family,
my job, or any of those things you are busy attacking…..MY JOY COMES FROM THE
LORD JESUS CHRIST! And if you remember very well, This, My LORD JESUS CRHSIT
conquered you 2016 years ago at a battle you engaged in at Calvary. Remember
Because of that Mighty Victory, I want to assure you that
YOU BELONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope that this is extremely clear to you! If you, like, I can
repeat it over and over, coz I know every single time I write it, you cringe
with pain. Should I repeat? Coward!!!!!!!
Back to the Love Dare….Day
8 was: Love is not jealous.
Love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It
burns like blazing fire. Song of Solomon 8:6
The day’s dare involved me determining to become my hubby’s
biggest fan and to reject any thoughts of jealousy. To help me set my heart on
my hubby and focus on his achievements, I was supposed to take the list of
negative attributes that I had developed on day 7 and discretely burn it, then
share with my hubby how glad I am about a success he recently enjoyed.
To be sincere, I haven’t done any of it yet. I must do it
all tonight, including today’s dare.
Its on this day that I had that encounter with the girl at
my workplace which stressed me so much that my hubby had to rush back home and
take me for aerobics to clear my mind. This really helped. I was able to sweat
it out and clear my mind. We enjoyed a very lovely walk back home at around
9.00pm. The moon was bright. It was lovely. We found a woman whose car had
fallen in a ditch on our way back, and was stuck. I asked my hubby to help coz I
knew that definitely, if anyone could, my hubby was that person. True to my
belief, he helped and soon the woman was on her way. We continued with our walk
home, holding hands, with my hubby’s basket ball on the other. Lovely memories!
Day 9: Love makes
good impressions
Greet one another with a kiss of love. 1 Peter 5:14
I was to think of a specific way I’d like to greet my hubby
today, and to do it with a smile and with enthusiasm, then determine to change
my greeting to reflect my love for them.
I had planned to jump and hug my hubby as soon as he entered
the house, though I wasn’t sure if this enthusiasm would be sustainable…hihi!
Anyways, bottomline, I opened up a whatsapp message with the
new list of government ministers to be sworn in, and funny but the first words I
said to my husband were, “ Prof
Baryamureeba is the new minister for Info Tech and Communications!” and his
response; ”Eh! Strategist!” Remember,
this same prof was a presidential candidate during the last elections.
Anyways, when I reminded him of the day’s dare, he decided
he wanted to carry me up into the bedroom. I weight 85kgs at the moment, 5 kgs
heavier than my hubby. I asked him if he would be able to do this every day,
and he laughed and changed his mind. So, in the end, we kissed like 3 times. That’s
the story of our yesterday.
Today, Day 10, I woke up in a not so happy mood, but I have
determined to stay joyful at all times. No one steals my joy and lives to tell
the sstory! Even the devil is banished into hell where he belongs. He will not
be stealing my joy again.