2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
We’ve been reading in papers and watching on every single TV station of the price fluctuations all over the world. In Uganda right now, an average person can’t even afford a kilo of sugar! The rate is becoming so alarming.
Further still, on Sunday, Owino Market got so totally burned down! This is equally so alarming, considering the many people who depended on that market for their source of livelihood.
We cannot neglect these people. Mordecai told Esther that if she did not intercede for the Jews, help would come from elsewhere, but then Esther wouldn’t expect to be included. I say the same; we cannot ignore all the people suffering out there. We may be able to buy the sugar, continue driving our cars, even when the fuel prices are crazily increasing, e.t.c, but let’s not forget to pray and even help the average person who is perishing of hunger and poverty, in a world that should have more. We need God’s intervention. Pray fervently; for “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16b)
It’s our responsibility to pray unceasingly for our nation, our government, our economy and all our cabinet leaders.
Let’s pray that God will give our leaders divine wisdom to lead our nation, and to lead us successfully out of this economic crises. We need to pray for God’s glory to be revealed as Isaiah states it in Isaiah 40:5.
Father God, times are hard they say; many people are losing their jobs and other sources of livelihood; others are dying of starvation, all over the world. No one can tell how long this crisis shall last. No assurance can be given to all who grope in the dark. But I believe, dear Father that this too, shall pass, and there is no trial we cannot be able to conquer with faith in our spirits and courage in our hearts. Protect us dear God first of all from despair. Let not our minds be anxious but let our spirits have peace that surpasses all understanding. May we never lose our hope. May we never lose sight of our awaited morning when milk and honey shall flow into our land once again. May we walk with steadfast feet. May we work with steady hands. And may we always believe that miracles still happen, for they do happen even now as we pray. Let your abounding Grace cloak us with blessings and may your strength keep us from every harm. Vanquish the fears that wish only to cast doubt and hopelessness. Replace it with a love that never fails, a love that heals and prevails, a love to keep us warm as we hold on to each other and as we await the abundant land which You have promised us with your kind and mighty Hand!
Oh Uganda, May God uphold thee!!