Friday, July 10, 2009

Praises, glory and honor to the Most High God and King!

I am so excited to report all the events of the past month. It was a very exciting month with lots of activities and seeing God move in so many ways.
This month has been so concentrated with the June mission that we had been planning all along. It was so exciting to see it finally come to pass; to see God move in a very special way amidst us. In this report, I shall give you the highlights from the mission. God bless you so much as you read through.

June mission
For sure, this mission has been extremely intense. I’ve never seen myself doing all sorts of mission all in one mission trip (except probably visiting people in prisons; though one of the Americans said we visited people who were prisoners in their minds…haha!!!) Anyhow, we preached to people and led them to Christ, prayed for people, cast out demons, visited the sick in Mulago hospital and prayed with them, talked with them, nursed them, cleaned houses/ huts and fetched water for those who were too weak or paralyzed to do the work, read scriptures to those who could not read anymore, prayed and played with orphans and street kids (most of whom have never in their lives had anyone care for them or just give them a hug genuinely) and also former child mothers (as a result of the war in Northern Uganda), made paper beads with slum women for money to support them and their families, nursed and looked after slum babies while their mothers went to look for food and money, cooked for people, showed evangelistic movies in villages, had big open air meetings with big speakers and music and in these, we invited people to make commitments to follow Christ, cemented a pavement for an old woman whose compound/ yard always flooded with rain water, built a chicken coup for a family and also dug a 6ft. deep rubbish pit.
On a sad note, however, we met a very tragic accident just behind us that claimed more than 7 lives. This was a very sad moment for us. However, we thank God for the way He was able to use us. One of us immediately got taxis and rushed several victims to the hospital. We don’t have many ambulances in this country, and even if we have, they are too expensive for an average Ugandan. Thank God we had extra money on us to get the taxis. However, later, it was so sad to hear that even those who were rushed to the hospital didn’t all make it. May their souls rest in eternal peace. Amen.

However, on a happier note, we organized a women’s meeting in one of the villages with an aim of discussing how we as women can bring up our children and families in a godly way. Towards the end of this meeting, we saw a lot of commotion in one of the corners of the church, only to discover that a pregnant woman who was amidst us, had abruptly gone into labor!! Crazy!! This was real drama! Thank God there was a car available. She was rushed to hospital and 2 hours later, we heard that baby Suzie was born! How this all worked out, we don’t know, but just so you know, God is so amazing!!! Praise the Lord!!!

Operation: “save the plants!”
During our time with the organization ‘come let’s dance’ in Kampala, we also worked on a farm. And on this farm, the plants were so dehydrated, with the nearest borehole about 400meters away. A car cannot drive on this route, and there were no pipes to get water here, so the best thing was to fetch water and bring to the plants. I can’t remember how many cans of water each of us carried, but am so excited that we saved the plants!!

Stop Child Sacrifice!!
In the recent past, cases of child sacrifice have been so much on the increase in this country. More than 3.000 children have already been reported missing, plus all those countless others that were not reported. It’s so sad, and really hurts. The funniest part is that the victims are released by the police at will. Government doesn’t recognize these criminals as being guilty of murder!
Come let’s dance, plus many other Organisations in town organized a demonstration against this, and for sure, who couldn’t join? Especially when you are so fed up of the practice as I am? We did our part, and now praying so hard that God and the government do their parts.
We want child sacrifice to be recognized as murder, and for the victims to be given murder penalties. Pray for this country. We need to redeem our land!

Oh! And God’s presence was so strong among us and in every single thing we set our minds and hearts to do. We have learnt so much, that we’ll constantly be thankful to God for. I can’t say we were able to do any big/ major things; but am humbled to say that the so many small things we did in the Name of Jesus have had a very big impact on the people. It certainly worked here.

(Grand ma, Sandra, Faith and our 2 new friends)
We cleaned this old woman’s hut; fetched for her water and later she was so sad she had lost a sowing needle, so we had to come back with a needle and threads the next day. She was so happy and grateful. What a sweet grand ma!
Patrick, one of the Americans wrote for me this poem. It touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. Thought I should share it with you. (He wrote it with only my name, but I should say I didn’t do it all by myself. I was with Sandra.)

Some of the brick buildings
looked more like walls leading nowhere,
accented by small holes that whispered, bullet.

Her body was like a forgotten borehole,
a busted pump, an empty well,
and hands like two broken hoes.

Her mud hut was more dirt than mud
more dust than space to live and breathe and love.
She wanted simple things, to be clean;
hear the Psalms read in Acholi -;
a needle and thread;to be prayed for;
She would use her arms to drag her body
across the groundand her teeth were lost
like her husbandall decayed into the ground.

Faith moves to her.
I've never seen compassion move
like a silent boat in the night
moving through to all the floating and sinking people,
"Need a lift?"And she moves into her hut
into the dark mud hut,
incarnating herself in the dirt of the mud hut
as if I was reading something from one of the gospels
a female African Jesus named Faith
entering into this woman's life,
"Would you like a lift?"
She asks by cleaning and putting an arm around
her dirty untouched shoulders...My God.

And when she asked for a sewing needle
and a spool of thread
there was a moment when Faith looked
at her hands in disbelief
all gnarled roots, shoddy patchwork
and then Faith realized
she wanted to put the whole village
back together again.
(Patrick Harner)

Upcoming events
The students are still in holidays so most of our upcoming events will be centered on staff and Associates development. We have a staff retreat this Saturday the 11th of July. Pray with us that it’s a refreshing moment for all who attend.
We are also in the process of recruiting and training qualified graduates who are interested in volunteering with FOCUS Uganda for one year under our Short Term Experience in Mission (STEM) program. It’s a very challenging program though with lots of benefits and leadership training. You are taught to raise your own funds. So, we pray so much that all who have applied are convinced of the Lord’s calling upon their lives and that they will feel His presence with them till the end.
Finally and best of all, we have a new General Secretary, Damon Kamese. We have been praying about this since December when the last G.S stepped down. We are so excited about this new regime. Please pray with us that we adjust accordingly. There are so many changes happening around here, and even though we know it’s a sign that God is moving amidst us, sometimes we are not willing to move with the Changes. Keep us in your prayers.
God bless you so much as you move on with work this month and in all your endeavors.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Discouragement after a great victory...hmmm.....

Its always so funny that every time u've enjoyed lots of victory, in a way the devil will get a way of getting back at u.
First, missions camp was a real blast; i've also been really having some good fun with the students i work with. This saturday, we are having a diner for final year students, and its still my very sincere prayer that its successful. i wish that God suprises me and does things beyond my vague imagination coz where i am, i think am losing hope. can u guys pray with me if u have the time?

On saturday still, we are having a training of new fellowship leaders on the campus where i work. atleast am so happy i've managed to put everything in place for this training; mobilised students, got facilitators, got logistics, topics...e.t.c, unfortunately, i cant be there in person. I'll be organising for the diner in the evening. It hurts me so much, thats why am praying so much that the diner is a blast. u wana pray with me?

the best part for me was having my sister, brother, and two cousins attend. this has never happened for all the years i've participated in this camp. i always pleaded with them to come, and they always had excuses! i was so excited! we had lots of fun together...swam, danced, sang, played, and ofcourse listened to the very great teachings. it was incomparable, just know.

Bles u!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Once again!

Ibanda Mission : 1st - 7th feb 2009
Any one who has been on a typical African mission trip and more particularly Ugandan; will not doubt if I said it is the most humbling experience ever known.
Imagine going to a place with no food, or even accommodation and just trusting in the Lord, and praying, believing He’s more than able to provide. To a lay man, this is extremely crazy; just as the Bible says that the Gospel of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing.
We boarded the bus from Kampala very excited knowing everything was under control; only to be disappointed. I mean, spiritually, you’d say it was under control. Physically…chaos!!
We arrived at 3:30pm, after 6 hours on the road, very hungry and tired, and you would think this is what was written on the faces of the students? Well, as a matter of fact, on every face, you’d instead see a lot of determination, and a very radical spirit, very ready to transform, to preach the Gospel to every single soul, even the stones, if they ever had ears. I loved what I saw. It all reminded me of my campus days as a missioner, though you could clearly see that there was a lot more here. Oh! I just love the way God uses students.
Later, probably after 10.00pm, we finally got our accommodations, and had to sleep 5 people on 2 mattresses! It was a very humbling experience indeed, and I believe it made a very serious impact on all of us who attended. The students were too shocked when I got out my sleeping bag and slept together with them, shared showering basins; since about 24 ladies had to share only 2 basins. I was humbled. They were humbled.
I also had to give my own personal testimony, and this probably had a bigger impact. I am usually not good at talking about myself. On this particular day, I believe God really wanted me to tell it out. He gave me real eloquence as I spoke. I thought I heard myself preaching!! I have never done this before! Oh! May the Lord be most greatly praised!
My best experiences came during times of prayer. It’s so good to know that no matter what you do, God still loves you. For me, this was more than enough. I got all the assurance I’d need for the rest of the year, if I can put it that way.
I also went with Ole-Johan and Jakob Nils, the two FK exchange students working with FOCUS Uganda, and it’s been nice to know that they had a great time, no health complications, although I believe it was hard on them to walk all the long miles we had to cover, sometimes in rain, sometimes in sunshine. I bless God for the good health that He granted them. I tell you, you can never go for God’s business and come back complaining in any way, unless you haven’t accomplished what you were sent to do!!
All in all, I could never put a price to these experiences. It’s been so wonderful hearing what the students had to say about the mission, especially in relation to Christ’s final command to all Christians in Matthew 28:19. I tell you, these students are so determined to see this happen. Different students were heard saying very radical things like, “we didn’t come here to win food, but to win souls!” “We’d rather sleep on the road, as long as souls are being saved!” “We cannot sit here eating when souls are out there perishing!” “One of the sweetest and most interesting things is seeing a lost soul being found and saved.”… and so much more. I mean, these students have become too radical for Christ. They want to see God’s kingdom come very soon, and you know this won’t happen until the Gospel has reached all the ends of the earth.
Let’s pray for them that God will keep this fire burning forever because sometimes, it’s very easily lost.
Mission Programs
We would wake up at 5.00 in the morning, pray till 6.30, or 7.00 am, wash up for about 45 minutes or an hour, walk to the church (which was a 20 minutes walk) for breakfast. We were then put in groups of 2s or 3s. In these groups, we then went from door to door, preaching, encouraging and praying for people. This wnet on till lunch time. We then went to a particular place, usually the church in that area for lunch (they always prepared this, if they knew we were in their regions. They are so hospitable.) After lunch, we then walked to a ground where we had a crusade – this involved praise and worship, preaching, healing session, altar call (more than 100 people came to Christ through this!), and then we prayed for people with different needs. From 6pm, there was a movie – Jesus film for the local people, while the rest of us walked home. Sometimes 7km, sometimes less; occasionally in the rain, but no one seemed discouraged by any of this. Actually, we were more than encouraged. You’d occasionally hear comments like, “God has chosen today to anoint us live!” I loved their humorous nature.
Once we arrived, we’d have supper, evaluate the events of the day, then pray till midnight, after which we were so tired to even wash up. To be sincere, very few people showered in the evenings…haha!!!
All in all, I cannot put a price to all these great experiences.
I must say I had very very wonderful experiences, but there’s one particular one that keeps me laughing till now.
We were having our evening prayer session, and then I felt I was really struggling in prayer. All this time I was praying for my family, office, workmates…e.t.c, and I felt the Holy Spirit telling me to cut that out and pray for the leaders of this particular student union. Immediately I started, oh, God began to take me so deeper in the prayer. It was like cold wood all of a sudden being fired up! Hope you try to get the picture am trying to paint. Felt so good! And then I began to pray for the prayer secretary, because he was the one entirely in charge of the daily prayer sessions. I don’t know what was happening, but looks like he was in the same spirit. He came and held my hands. We prayed so much. I prayed for God to increase His anointing, and I particularly wanted him to get slain. Can’t tell why I wanted this, but some crazy part of me wanted it to happen…haha!
What do u think happened instead? Three other ushers came up behind me, and all five of us were praying so much. I felt the power of the Holy Spirit so strong over me; I fell down, and just found myself laughing. First I was laughing at how I ended up falling, and then I could not stop anymore. I was so happy, and laughed for more than an hour! It felt so good. I can’t properly describe this, but just know, there are lots of experiences you can have, very nice ones indeed, if you chose to seek God beyond the daily, usual prayers we make. Try it out. We tried, and am telling you, none of those students came back the same. You need to enjoy the presence of the Lord more. We sure had a great time with The Holy Spirit. God is so humorous, people…haha!
From the students; Views on the Ibanda mission in relation to the Great commission:
  • One of the sweetest and most interesting things is seeing a lost soul being found and saved. This mission to Ibanda is one of the steps taken by KCU in the fulfillment of the great commission. Sincerely, the ground was fertile, ready for the seed of the word of God with few cases of hard hearted people who rejected the Gospel. As for me, a lover of Machines, PA Systems, including videos and films are among the weapons that bring people from all corners of the land to hear the Gospel. As very many men have got saved as a result of being attracted by the beautiful ladies in church; machines too have and can attract people with a thought of hearing, but they of course end up being captured by Christ. How lovely, how good; never should we give up on searching for the 1/99.Emma M.
  • I have seen the commitment that the team has got for the Great Commission, in love for Christ. Jesus has fulfilled His promise to be with us even when we don’t have what to say. Many thanks to God for all the signs and miracles in a way I have never seen before; with instant healings with testimonies immediately. Whole hearted prayers in a way I had not experienced before with this very team (KCU). The reception of people to the Gospel is also a unique thing, and the impact on the team; from testimonies of individuals is also great. There was also a variety of members. To have people coming to partner with us means God has anointed and favored KCU (Kyambogo University Christian Union). Emma A.
  • This mission has been powerful and different. I have been ministered to and I ministered to others. Though I think I’ve been ministered to more. There has been a lot of food all around. People are so welcoming, whether they want to listen to God or not. People in Ibanda are so much religious. In the crusades, people were so involved. Messages were ministering to both missioners and the people. We had enough time for prayer, and the power of God was so strong, especially during evening prayers. Charlotte A.
  • This mission is so wonderful because souls have and are coming to Christ. People have and are receiving their healing and deliverance. One particular interesting thing with the mission is the distance covered. Every time we move, I am reminded of the Christian missionaries as they moved preaching. All in all, it is wonderful and even the missionaries are getting deeper in prayer and understanding of His word. Brian N.
  • Jesus told us to go to the whole world preaching and teaching whatsoever he commanded us – preaching the message of the cross and the love he had for human kind, when he gave up his life.This mission has been a wonderful experience, having been my first in Kyambogo University. I bless the lord so much that He had to bring me this far from home to teach me some of His wonderful mysteries. I thank the Lord because He has transformed me in different things. There are certain things I perceive differently. I have come to make certain decisions during this mission. Above all, I thank the Lord for having used me as a vessel to expand His ministry. Jesus couldn’t have lived on earth in His physical form even up to now, but rather He passed on His work to His disciples. I feel am a part of Him. Many souls have been saved which brings much joy. Ronie M.
  • The distances we’ve moved during this mission is a testimony; all the way from Kampala to Ibanda, just for the gospel, to share our salvation with the lost and I am so sure that in the Jesus’ days, he moved long distances with his disciples to increase on his clan of followers. The healing of the sick is also a testimony. As in the days of the Great Commission, so it is in our own days in Ibanda. May the Lord be blessed.On the other hand, this mission has been interesting. Talk about the long distances we have walked –sometimes more than 10km per day, and not forgetting the rain which showered blessings upon us. Therefore, being my first mission, I have really enjoyed it and I can’t really judge because I have not gone for other missions. Blair M.K
  • We are commanded as Christians to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are witnessing for Christ in partnership with the local church, because we need them to mentor and disciple the new believers.This mission has been great since the Lord approved of it and Jesus is with us according to Matthew 28:19. There has been unity and missioners swallowed their ego…etc for the sake of the souls which in turn build a good character in them. Muhindo Ricky
  • Ibanda mission has been so encouraging, being led by the Holy spirit. I have experienced the power of God once again and I don’t want to live but I have no choice. God has answered my prayers, His power has manifested upon the ground. The encounter has been so different from other missions I have attended. Nyangoma Agnes Smile
Mission Pictures